Expedia Sells Egencia to American Express Global Business Travel
RadarA deal that was perhaps unlikely just one year ago.
Time to Show How Business Events Can Help Develop Societies Going Forward
From a future focusPCMA’s CEO Sherrif Karamat wants to position the industry's questions on future growth.
A Political Perspective
KellermanRoger Kellerman wants us to learn what fragile states means for business.
×5 Your Positivity and Productivity During the Pandemic
SharmaGetting you into the rare-air that very few know.
IBTM World Virtual 2020
RadarThe latest keynote speakers at IBTM World Virtual presented.
IBTM World Virtual 2020 Goes Live
Radar Over 10,000 meetings due to take place over the three days of the event.
Solsbury Hill
IntermissionWalking right out of the machinery.
Brain Research Shows Added Value in Live Events
RadarVideo cannot replace an event, but it does extend the lifespan of an event.
Position Yourself
IntermissionGo a little bit out of your depth.
The Evolution of Faroese Music
RadarThe next step is to develop connections between artists and the international music market.