After much anticipation, Copenhagen takes on the title of UNESCO-UIA World Capital of Architecture on 17 January.

Copenhagen is only the second city in the world to hold this triennially awarded title designated to the host city of the UIA World Congress of Architects. The congress, which is expected to attract up to 10,000 delegates, will take place at the Bella Center in Copenhagen from 2 to 6 July. Copenhagen was awarded the congress after presenting an ambitious Nordic bid with the theme ‘Sustainable futures.’

“We are very excited to see Copenhagen take on the title of UNESCO-UIA World Capital of Architecture, which is a nod to the city’s strong architectural legacy and its focus on sustainable solutions and human-centred design,” says Mikkel Aarø-Hansen, CEO at Wonderful Copenhagen, Copenhagen’s official tourism organisation and continues:

“The title is also the result of Copenhagen hosting the 2023 UIA World Congress of Architects. Being a popular congress destination, Copenhagen won the bid to host the UIA congress by focusing on sustainability and the role of architecture in realising the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals.”

As the World Capital of Architecture, Copenhagen will host a series of events and exhibitions showcasing the city’s diverse and world-renowned architectural landscape. These events will highlight the work of local architects and urban planners, as well as the contributions of international designers and firms. The city will also serve as a hub for discourse and collaboration, bringing together experts from around the globe to discuss the future of the built environment.  

Copenhagen’s architecture is often praised for its human-centric approach and focus on sustainable solutions. This is evident when visiting architectural landmarks such as CopenHill, which is a power plant with a ski slope on its roof and the Bicycle Snake bridge, which is a bike-first urban design. This particular focus on including and engaging its citizens remains a key element in the various World Capital of Architecture activities and exhibitions taking place throughout 2023.  

Copenhagen will hold the title of World Capital of Architecture until 2026 when it passes on the baton to Barcelona.