Business Events Tokyo has announced that Tokyo has secured the winning bid to host the 2028 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2028) from May 29 to June 2 at the Tokyo International Forum.

ICASSP is the world’s leading conference in signal processing, and the Tokyo conference, held under the theme of “Smart and Sustainable Signal Processing for the Future”, is expected to attract approximately 4,000 participants from around the world. Japan’s strong academic background in signal processing, international contributions to the field spearheaded by local signal processing societies, world-leading industrial research, and a strong academic program set out by the Japanese Bidding Committee were deciding factors in Tokyo’s bid win. Support from the Tokyo Convention & Visitors (TCVB) and generous financial and in-kind support from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government were also essential in the selection.

TCVB is committed to supporting the Conference to ensure the best possible event and is confident that ICASSP 2028 will set the quality benchmark for international conferences.

About the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The IEEE Signal Processing Society (IEEE SPS), established in 1948, is the world’s leading organization for uniting signal processing engineers and industry professionals. It boasts an impressive membership of 20,000, including researchers, engineers, and students from 120 countries. IEEE SPS organizes conferences annually and publishes periodicals and magazines, including the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine and the Inside Signal Processing eNewsletter. ICASSP is the society’s flagship annual conference. 

About the Business Events Team at the Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau (TCVB)
The Business Events Team at the Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau (TCVB) serves as a one-stop shop for meeting/event planners and organizers seeking assistance in successfully bidding to host international business events in Tokyo.