The world’s leading water conference World Water Week will in 2023 take place on 20–24 August. It will focus on innovation at a time when new thinking is very much needed. It will also provide an opportunity to follow up on commitments made at the UN Water conference in New York in March.

World Water Week is the leading conference on global water issues, held annually in Stockholm, organised by Stockholm International Water Institute. The 2023 conference will also take place online. It will draw on the latest scientific knowledge and experiences from around the world, exploring new ways for how water can be a powerful tool to address the water crisis, global heating, biodiversity loss, poverty, and many other water-related challenges.

To adapt to life in a hotter and more water-scarce world, people everywhere are seeking better ways to manage water. We are starting to see inspiring initiatives and important transformations of societies and businesses, but not yet at the pace and scale needed. To this end, the theme for 2023 will be Seeds of Change: Innovative Solutions for a Water-Wise World.

World Water Week will follow up on the United Nations 2023 Water Conference with many sessions related to the Conference’s themes of Water for Health; Water for Development; Water for Climate, Resilience and Environment; Water for Cooperation and the Water Action Decade. World Water Week thereby provide an important forum for following up on the commitments made in New York and how these can be achieved, ultimately working to accelerate global water action.

Explore the 2023 theme. The call for session proposals to World Water Week 2023 will open mid-January, and registration later in the year. Visit for more information.