A new survey by International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney), managed by ASM Global, reveals that eighty-six per cent of United Kingdom and European-based event organisers who book venues internationally consider sustainability integral to running events.

Geoff Donaghy, ICC Sydney CEO and Group Director—Convention Centres, ASM Global (APAC), said this was another proof point supporting the venue team’s focus on delivering sustainable events and a best-practice approach to corporate social responsibility: “This client survey builds on the results from our visitor survey released in February, with both revealing the high demand to enhance delegate and attendee experiences with an integrated approach to sustainability, diversity, and inclusion.”

Significantly, eighty-eight per cent of respondents believe that sustainability, encompassing social impact and equality, is paramount in events practices. This sentiment resonates strongly within an industry increasingly focused on reducing waste, minimising carbon footprints, and promoting ethical practices.

Key findings
  • 86% of respondents who book venues internationally consider sustainability integral to running an event.
  • 88% of respondents affirm that integrating sustainability, diversity, and inclusion enhances delegate and attendee experiences.
  • 83% emphasise the critical role of accessibility in event planning.
  • 42% consider sustainability commitments highly influential in venue selection.
  • More than a third (37%) of respondents advocate for clearer sustainability signage and communication, 28% endorse inclusion in promotional materials, and 16% prioritise social media campaigns.

ICC Sydney’s approach to improving community engagement, environmental sustainability and economic development supports clients as both strive for a net zero future.

Energy management at ICC Sydney

Together with its Darling Harbour Live partners, ICC Sydney’s team purchases 20 per cent renewable energy through its energy contract, which, together with the onsite community-owned solar array, uses 25 per cent renewable energy to power the venue.

Switch it off campaign

ICC Sydney works to embed a culture of environmental conscientiousness throughout the venue. It delivered a comprehensive ‘Switch It Off’ campaign aimed at educating and encouraging team members to turn off lights, air conditioning, and electrical appliances when not in use, an initiative the venue hopes will further reduce its energy footprint.

Water reduction

In 2023, ICC Sydney effectively diverted 65 per cent of waste from landfills. Through a collaboration with Sydney Water, ICC Sydney installed refill stations, helping save more than 2.65 million plastic water bottles.

Managing food waste can deliver social impact

Socially, ICC Sydney has donated 34.6 tonnes of unserved food (equivalent to 98,857 meals) and 24.5 tonnes of goods to local charities, contributing to a sustainable circular economy since opening.

Accessible and inclusive

Additionally, ICC Sydney’s Accessible and Inclusive Events Guide for event organisers ensures welcoming environments reflecting the venue’s dedication to customer inclusivity and accessibility.

Geoff Donaghy continued: “The industry survey, delivered in collaboration with Conference and Incentive Travel, conducted among event professionals based across the United Kingdom and Europe, underscores a profound shift in attitudes towards sustainability, highlighting it not merely as an option but as an essential commitment.”

ICC Sydney Director of Corporate Affairs, Communication and Sustainability Samantha Glass reflected on the survey’s findings, sharing: “Looking forward, the survey indicates a strong imperative for event professionals to enhance communication on sustainability and social impact initiatives – initiatives that ICC Sydney has both the infrastructure and internal resources to support.”

“Through our Legacy Program and resources such as the Accessible and Inclusive Events Guide and Sustainable Events Guide, we encourage our customers to embrace a more sustainable and inclusive future as together we strive for a net zero, nature-positive future that has the potential to leave a positive impact on Sydney well beyond the conclusion of events,” Samantha Glass said.

Read the results of the Conference and Incentive Travel ICC Sydney survey here.