Most Companies Today Are Only 80 per Cent Efficient
Brain Check To achieve a change for the better, you need to know enough to understand the problem and what can be done about it.
Brain Check To achieve a change for the better, you need to know enough to understand the problem and what can be done about it.
Boosting Economy On track to break records with 91.8 million annual guests forecasted for 2024, after market resurgence.
New Learning Models The practice of gamification offers a means of addressing current needs and boosting engagement and takeaway.
The Value of Business Events Politicians in Prague and the Czech Republic recognise the importance of business events.
Economic Development Boosted by many global companies and corporations now considering the country an important investment destination.
Achieve New Heights Mike van der Vijver is against the default thinking that slideshows are necessary. They are just one of many options.
Investment The new airport facility will handle up to 100 million passengers annually, making it of the most significant aviation hubs worldwide.
Advancing Women The disparity of women in business events versus women in leadership positions within the industry is particularly striking.
Strategic Development The philosophy has remained unchanged since launch: to be experts in their destination, Slovakia and Bratislava.
Strategic Development A wide range of stakeholders know that this industry has a far-reaching economic impact on the city and its brand.
DMO Funding Models Internationally, market success doesn’t always correlate with market resourcing, and could even have adverse effects on funding.
Meetings & Events Survey The business events industry faces ongoing cost challenges and the need for larger budget increases.
Legacy Infrastructure Transforming the Northshore Hamilton district into a thriving hub of residential, commercial, and sports infrastructure.
Urban Planning Seoul Tourism Organization President Ki Yon Kil on sustainable urban development and the necessity for stable geopolitics.
Developing Expo City Dubai, the World Expo’s legacy city and an innovation-driven, people-centric city of the future.