Travel and Tourism Cybersecurity Jobs Grow by 54 per Cent
RadarDespite the pandemic obstacles faced by the industry, the cybersecurity job postings managed to remain stable and even grew.
RadarDespite the pandemic obstacles faced by the industry, the cybersecurity job postings managed to remain stable and even grew.
Facilitate the ProcessAn excerpt from the book Meetings, by Default or by Design, conceived and written by Mike van der Vijver and Eric de Groot.
IntermissionHere’s to starting over, or starting back up again. To embarking on new adventures, and to every sweet refrain.
Great DesignDesigning a “good meeting” requires the insight and innovations found throughout the book Meetings, by Default or by Design.
RadarWhat are the risks when organising a congress, and how can the industry move towards a more balanced approach to risk-sharing management?.
Psychological MeetingsHans Gordon delves into identity formation and social constructions that lead to reasonably stable identities.
RadarA unified Australian Business Events Association is the biggest shake-up of the business events association landscape in over a decade.
Smart City DevelopmentDr Victor M Larios uses design thinking and agile methodologies to accelerate technology transfer in living labs.
9 QsOceanographer Paulina Balbontin Durón puts the focus on sustainability, biodiversity and coastal management projects.
Strategic DevelopmentGustavo Staufert on taking proactive action on educational programs in a postpandemic change-accelerated world with new topics on the horizon.
Business IntelligenceClaudia Vanessa Pérez Lamas, Minister of Tourism of the State of Jalisco, on the importance of governmental recognition.
IntroAtti Soenarso on whether Artificial Imagination is the latest and greatest invention or discussion in IT, or a decades-old concept.
After nearly 18 months of hard work the Imex Group will debut a new visual treatment: a brand refresh, set to go live on Monday.
The Russian invasion didn’t stop Ukraine from hosting 593 business events in 2022 – local, national and international.
First and only German convention centre to earn Gold certification in the Revitalisation category from the German Sustainable Building Council.