The Handbook of Large Group Methods

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Creating Systemic Change in Organizations and Communities

by Barbara Benedict Bunker & Billie T. Alban

Specifically this book will address: Several new methods such as Appreciative Inquiry, The World CafÃ, and AmericaSpeaks. Adaptations of scenario planning and network analysis for large groups. Innovative use of LG methods in community, in business, in education and with different populations such as youth. Cross-cultural use of methods–book present work in many different cultures that will include an analysis of how the methods need to be adapted for the culture. Use of technology such as computers and voting touch pads to work with groups from 25 to 1000 Graphic facilitation in large group settings Conflict resolution methods in large groups After a big event, how does the change agreed to and fervently endorsed get made real as people go back to busy work lives and other pressures?

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Large Group Interventions are methods used to gather a whole system together to discuss and take action on the target agenda. That agenda varies from future plans, products, and services, to redesigning work, to discussion of troubling issues and problems. The Handbook of Large Group Methods takes the next step in demonstrating through a series of cases how Large Group Methods are currently being used to address twenty-first-century challenges in organizations and communities today, including:

  • Working with widely dispersed organizations, and the problem of involvement and participation
  • Working with organizations facing a serious business crisis
  • Working with organizations in polarized and politicized environments
  • Working in community settings with diverse interest groups
  • Working at the global level and adapting these methods for cross-cultural use
  • Embedding and sustaining new patterns of working together in organizations and communities

Barbara Benedict Bunker is emeritus professor of psychology at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She has taught in executive development programs at Columbia, Pepperdine, and the Harvard University School of Education and has held Fulbright Lectureships in the business schools of Keio University and Kobe University in Japan.

Billie T. Alban is president of Alban and Williams, Ltd., and an internationally known management consultant whose clients include British Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways, Exxon, and Kraft/General Foods. She teaches in executive development programs at Columbia, the University of California, Los Angeles, and Pepperdine and has served on the board of the Organization Development Network.
Bunker and Alban are coauthors of Large Group Interventions from Jossey-Bass.

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Weight 1385 g
Dimensions 29,0 × 24,2 × 2,1 cm


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