As the start of the summer season approaches in the Prin­ci­pal­i­ty of Monaco, the Mona­co Govern­­ment Tourist and Con­ven­tion Au­thor­i­ty is unveiling its new pro­mo­tion­­al campaign for leisure tourists and event organisers in the form of a promise: “Like Nowhere Else”.

“With this new campaign, our goal is to change perceptions where needed and to communicate the values of exclusivity, progress and leader­ship that are associated with our brand while emphasising the spirit of change focused on the environ­ment and innovation that is prevalent in the Principality today,” said Guy Antognelli, General Manager of the Tourist and Convention Authority.

Monaco is a globally renowned des­tin­a­tion, legen­dary in terms of the unique­ness of those who bring it to life, dis­tinc­tive in terms of the quality of its infra­structure and the level of safety it offers, and diverse in terms of its event calendar, cultural op­por­tu­ni­ties and the wealth of offers and services available within just two square kilometres. It is a destination where visitors can discover brand-new experiences in iconic locations that few can claim to have experienced elsewhere – as the Principality of Monaco, like the new campaign reminds us, is “like nowhere else.”

The leisure tourism campaign is set out in ten visuals, using a minimalist graphical style. It consists of suggestions of iconic locations in Monaco, focusing on classical and modern archi­tectural details or unique perspectives on the destination. The campaign for meetings and incen­tives organisers is based on six visuals and follows the same minimalist template, demonstrating vast opportunities to meet in a unique and memorable setting. The new campaign will roll out inter­national­ly, prioritising the French, American, British, Italian, German, Swiss and Middle Eastern markets.

Tourism is a mainstay of the Monegasque economy. The sector enjoyed a strong rebound in 2022 following the two years of the Covid pandemic, and the prospects for the 2023 season are incredibly positive. Most visitors to the Principality (73 per cent of arrivals in 2022) are from Europe, and most come for leisure. Group business tourism accounted for 21 per cent of the sector in 2022.

The Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority is an office of the Prince’s Government attached to the Ministry of Finance and Economy. Its primary role is to promote the destination, ensuring many visitors throughout the year. Destination Monaco strives to enable visitors worldwide to enjoy lots of absolutely un­for­get­table experiences at the heart of a destination like no other.

About Monaco
The Monaco Government Tourist and Convention Authority is an office of the Prince’s Government attached to the Ministry of Finance and Economy. Its primary role is to promote the destination, ensuring many visitors throughout the year. Working closely with all tourism, economic and cultural stakeholders in the Principality, the Monaco Government Tourist and Convention Authority undertakes numerous actions to accomplish its goals fully. The promotional work will be organised around three strands: The Convention Bureau and Leisure Travel & Sales Departments lead professional networks in conjunction with the promotional offices abroad; The Marketing Division rolls out campaigns and forges partnerships following the needs of each priority market depending on the targets and countries; The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Unit ensures that Monaco thinks and acts more fairly and sustainably as it continues to create a responsible destination.